Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention
This CBT-SP course was built by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. This course is available to you at no cost and is based on a highly effective cognitive behavioral therapy program that has been used successfully with Veterans across the country.
Original content was created by:
- Bridget B. Matarazzo, PsyD, VA Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)
- Lisa A. Brenner, PhD, VA Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)
- Arthur T. Ryan, PhD, VA Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)
- Ann M. Weatherby, MSW, VA Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)
The creators of this course greatly appreciate the generous contributions of those who reviewed course content and provided feedback: Julie J. Wildman, PhD; Lisa M. Betthauser, PhD, MBA; Evelyn (Eve) Casiano, AA, CPhT; Katherine Cunningham, PhD; Erin Goldman, LMSW; Jessica A. Walker, PhD; Carolyn J. Greene, PhD and Pearl McGee-Vincent, PsyD.
Citation Information:
Matarazzo, B. B., Brenner, L. A., Ryan, A. T., Weatherby, A. M
Online Publication Info
- Website / course title: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Suicide Prevention
- Publisher / sponsor: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
- URL:
- Electronically published:
- Version 1 - 2023
- Medium: Online course
Recommended Citation
Matarazzo, B. B., Brenner, L. A., Ryan, A. T., Weatherby, A. M. (2023).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Suicide Prevention [Online Course]. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
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