About the Project

Anger and Irritability Management Skills was built by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Mental Health Services. This free educational and life coaching program is based on a highly effective cognitive behavioral treatment program that has been used successfully with Veterans across the country.
We gratefully acknowledge our Partner Organizations for their generous contributions to the development of this program:
- VA Office of Mental Health & Suicide Prevention aims to insure that all Veterans have access to needed mental health care and advances the principle that mental health care is an essential component of overall health care.
- The National Center for PTSD aims to help U.S. Veterans and others through research, education, and training on trauma and PTSD.
Anger & Irritability Management Skills (AIMS) was developed by Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Mental Health Services. Original content was created by:
- Carolyn J. Greene, Ph.D., VA Mental Health Services, Web Services.
- Patrick M. Reilly, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco.
- Barbara L. Niles, Ph.D., VA National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Behavioral Science Division; Boston University School of Medicine.
- Margaret-Anne Mackintosh, Ph.D., VA National Center for PTSD, Pacific Islands Division
- Leslie A. Morland, Psy.D., VA National Center for PTSD, Pacific Islands Division
- Patricia Watson, Ph.D., VA National Center for PTSD, Executive Division.
- Annabel Prins, Ph.D., VA National Center for PTSD, Dissemination and Training Division; San Jose State University.
The creators of this course greatly appreciate the generous contributions of the Veteran Mentors; Robert Adair, Frank Campbell, David Hawley, Laquita Holloway, Matthew Jensen, Dennis Keeffe, Larry Kozlowski, Ray Manzano, Jim O'Neil, Katie Weber, and Steve Wiegert, who graciously shared their own stories to help others. We thank Dr. Alexander Threlfall and the staff at the VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Santa Rosa, California for their support in filming the Veteran Mentor videos.
Reilly PM, Shopshire MS, Durazzo TC, and Campbell TA. Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Participant Workbook. HHS Pub. No. (SMA) 12-4210. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2002.
Citation Information:
Greene, C. J., Reilly, P. M., & Niles, B. L., Mackintosh, M.A., Morland, L.A., Watson, P., Prins, A., Lai, W.P. & Weingardt, K.R
Online Publication Info
- Website / course title: Anger and Irritability Management Skills
- Publisher / sponsor: Veterans Health Administration Office of Mental Health and Suicide
- Prevention (VHA OMHSP)
- URL: https://www.veterantraining.va.gov/aims/index.asp
- Electronically published:
- Version 1 - 2014
- Version 2 - 2020
- Medium: Online course
Recommended Citation
Greene, C., Reilly, P., & Niles, B., Mackintosh, M., Morland, L., Watson, P., Prins,
A., Lai, W. & Weingardt, K. (2014-2022). Anger and Irritability Management Skills [Online course]. Veterans Health Administration Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. https://www.veterantraining.va.gov/aims/index.asp
If you need additional publication information, please email us at: VeteranTraining@va.gov