Crisis Plan — My Treatments

Name your physician, pharmacist, and other health care providers, along with their phone numbers. Select the Add Health Care Provider Examples Button to view and add examples for this category.

List the treatments you are currently undergoing; treatments you prefer if additional treatments became necessary; and, treatments that would be acceptable to you if treatments were deemed necessary by your support team. Select the Add Preferred Treatments Button to view and add examples for this category.

List the treatments that must be avoided and why. The reason may be as simple as “this treatment has or has not worked in the past,” or you may have some concerns about the safety of this treatment. Maybe you just don’t like the way a particular treatment makes you feel. Select the Add Treatments to Avoid Button to view and add examples for this category.

List the treatment facilities you would like to use if family members and friends cannot provide you with care, or if your condition requires hospital care. Select the Add Preferred Facilities/Providers Button to view and add examples for this category.

Describe the treatment facilities you would like to avoid if family members and friends cannot provide you with care, or if your condition requires hospital care. Select the Add Facilities/Providers to Avoid Button to view and add examples for this category.

Now decide how you would like to keep all of your information so you can access it when you need it. You can choose one method or all of them, it's up to you. For an explanation of each method, visit the Help Page.

Select the Back Button to return to the Crisis Plan.
