Crisis Plan — Help From Others

List the people (such as family members and friends) who you would like to take over for you when the symptoms you listed in the previous section arise. Before listing people in this part of your plan, talk with them about what you would like from them and make sure they understand and agree to be in the Crisis Plan. Select the Add Supporters Examples Button to view and add examples for this category.

Describe what your supporters can do for you that will help you feel better. Select the Add Items You Need From Supporters Button to view and add examples for this category.

Describe a plan for your care to help keep your life on track. Select the Add Special Help Items Button to view and add examples for this category.

Now decide how you would like to keep all of your information so you can access it when you need it. You can choose one method or all of them, it's up to you. For an explanation of each method, visit the Help Page.

Select the Back Button to return to the Crisis Plan.
