Crisis Plan — My Info

Write what you are like when you are feeling well. This section is copied from your Feeling Well Daily Plan. This important information can help educate people who might be trying to help you — whether that person knows you well or not at all. Select the Add Common Feeling Well Items Button to view and add examples for this category.

* This information has been copied from your "When Things Are Breaking Down" section but needs to be edited to reflect only the symptoms that are related to a crisis.

Describe symptoms that would indicate to others that they need to take over responsibility for your care and make decisions on your behalf. Select the Add Common Symptoms/Issues Button to view and add examples for this category.

List the medications you are currently using, the dosage, and why you are using them.

List the medications you would prefer to take if medication or additional medications became necessary. List those that have worked well for you in the past—and why you would choose them.

List the medications that must be avoided. List those you are allergic to, that conflict with another medication, or cause undesirable side effects. Give the reasons they should be avoided.

Now decide how you would like to keep all of your information so you can access it when you need it. You can choose one method or all of them, it's up to you. For an explanation of each method, visit the Help Page.

Select the Back Button to return to the Crisis Plan.
