The PROMIS Sleep Questionnaire is a tool to measure the effectiveness of your insomnia treatment.

Your PROMIS Sleep Questionnaire Results

** It appears you have not completed any of the PROMIS Questionnaires. The table will not work until you have completed the PROMIS Questionnaire in Mile Markers 1 and 5. **
Mile Marker 1 Mile Marker 5 Mile Marker 9
1. In the past 7 days I had difficulty falling asleep...
2. In the past 7 days I was satisfied with my sleep...
3. In the past 7 days I worried about not being able to fall asleep...
4. In the past 7 days I had a hard time concentrating because of poor sleep...
5. In the past 7 days I felt irritable because of poor sleep...
6. In the past 7 days I had problems during the day because of poor sleep...
7. In the past 7 days I felt tired...
8. In the past 7 days I had trouble staying asleep...
9. In the past 7 days My sleep quality was...