What are the software requirements?
This course will run on all personal computers and mobile devices that support standard HTML5. For the best experience install the latest version of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Opera. On mobile devices, Chrome, Safari, and Edge browsers are recommended.
Speakers are recommended, but closed captioning is provided for those without these items and for the hearing impaired.
- Enable JavaScript to properly run this course.
- Enable Cookies so you can save information, as well as your progress in the course.
- Delete Browser Cookies if you have finished a session on a public computer or have completed the course.
- Turn off Pop-up blocker as pop-ups are used throughout the course to present additional information.
The interface is where you will view the course content, navigate through the course, and interact with exercises.
Title Bar and Course Menu
The title bar contains the AIMS logo, and the Module Number/Title, and the Menu Button/Page Loading Indicator.
Course Logo: The Course Logo is used as a home button and will return you to the first page of the course.
Module Number/Title: The Module Number/Title displays the current Module number and title.
Menu Button/Page Loading Indicator: The Menu Button/Page Loading Indicator is located on the right side of the Title Bar. The button is used to change the module. You can hover/set focus/select the Menu Button to see all course modules and titles. When you select a module, the title will appear in the Module Number/Title section. While the course is changing pages/modules the Menu Button will be replaced with a spinning icon. You will not be able to navigate anywhere else in the course until the page you are trying to navigate to is done loading. When the spinning icon disappears and the Menu Button reappears, this indicates the page is done loading and you will be able to navigate through the course again. If the Page Loading Indicator does not disappear and it appears you are stuck on a page, please check your internet connection and refresh the page.
Content Area
This is where you will view the elements of the course, which include the instructional text, supporting illustrations, and interactive exercises.
Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar has Five icons on large screen devices (devices that have a screen resolution greater than 767 pixels wide) and two icons on mobile devices (devices that have a screen resolution with a screen resolution less than 767 pixels wide).
Control Plan Button: Select this icon to view Your Anger Control Plan that you will build throught the course.
Resources Button: The Resources button is located at the lower left corner of the user interface next to the Help button. Selecting this button will open an additional screen containing all resources, source documents, and web addresses.
Learning Log Button: Select this icon to view the Learning Log Menu, from which you can select your Learning Log Assignments for each module, your Anger Control Plan, and your Learning Log Assignment Summary. A link to Learning to Use the Learning Log is also available.
Module Progress: Your progress through a module is displayed on the middle of the lower section; for example, Page 3 of 12 indicates that you are on page 3 of 12 pages in the module.
Back Button: The Back Button is located on the lower right next to the Next Button on large screen devices and on the lower left corner on mobile devices. It is used to navigate back one page in the course.
Next Button: The Next Button is located on the lower right corner. It is used to navigate forward one page in the course.
Mobile Navigation Bar
On devices that have a screen size less than 767 pixels wide, the Mobile Navigation Bar will appear. The Mobile Navigation Bar contains the Course Logo and the Mobile Navigation Menu. To open the Mobile Navigation Menu, select the button on the top right corner. The Mobile Navigation Menu contains the:
Control Plan Button
Resources Button
Learning Log Button
Course Menu Button
Assistive Technology Button
Assistive Technology
Selecting the Assistive Technology checkbox enables features that work with assistive and/or adaptive devices.
Internet Connection
If you are accessing this course on www.veterantraining.va.gov, please note that this course will require an active broadband connection. If you experience low connectivity or complete loss of your broadband connection, you will see the Page Loading Indicator when moving to new pages. If you see this indicator frequently or for more than a few seconds, you should access the course through the downloadable version on your personal computer or contact the VA to request a DVD version of this course for your personal computer.
Closed Captioning
For those who require and/or prefer Close Captioning, all videos in this course are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508 standards. When accessing your device’s options for Close Captioning playback, please select the “English” option and NOT the “English (auto-generated)” or “Auto-translate.” Personal Computer users and most mobile users should be able to access these options from within the videos themselves. If your browser does not offer an option to select Close Captioning from within the video playback screen, please consult your device’s user guide or use one of the recommended devices and browsers for this course.